Wednesday, February 8, 2012


     I woke up this morning earlier than usual, because of a board review today Kelli's boss wanted them all to come in an hour early so they could all get in some last minute studying.  I knew where my day was going last night so I was already fully prepared for the living hell which is our taxes.  Each year it seems like we get less and less back on our return, forcing us to seriously consider moving to Canada, and I don't know if you guys know this or not but it's cold up there!  So as I had some coffee to charge up the old thinkin' cap, I couldn't help but notice the "Eye of the tiger" beat rolling through my thoughts.  Yes this was the year that Kyle found enough deductions to warrant a healthy return, after all of the health issues we went through, I figured this was going to be a cake walk.
     I suppose it was about an hour into the H&R Block program that I have used the last few years now that I realized the number in the return column was inside a parenthesis.  If your unfamiliar with this program you should know that is not a good sign, it means you owe said amount!  I went back through the steps four times trying to nitpick every last dime back that i could.  After three hours I finally conceded that I had exasperated every available option and I must now hope that my state refund will actually exist!  After punching the same numbers into the state program I was happy to see the number not in parenthesis however the amount was barely enough to pay for the federal amount.  
     After calling Kelli's dad and explaining to him how things turned out he said something that slightly eased the pain I was feeling in my backside, he said the "experts" say if you can have them take out the smallest amount from your paycheck and still have a minimal return then you've played the system well.  This may be true but to me playing the system well isn't working out that great for our spring house project fund!
     I think either my Dad or Kelli's Dad will be getting my write in for the upcoming presidential election, both of them have told me of a tax solution that would work for every single person in America.  Every documented transaction at a banking facility gets 10% taken right off the top for taxes!  I think this is a fantastic idea!  Sure a lot of people would handle more cash which would somewhat negate the system, but they've got to get the cash form somewhere right?  Unfortunately the simplicity and brilliance of this idea would completely nullify half of the IRS jobs in the country but who cares, maybe the powers that be would value the dollar a little more if they actually had to earn it!  Nothing like this would ever happen though cause it just makes too much sense. 
     So I hope if you haven't done your taxes yet that they go a little smoother for you than they did for us.  Looks like we're going to have to save for that trip to Kauai after all:(

Remember, taxes....God's way of reminding us that politicians are all talk and no action!

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