I am a wounded warrior!! Kind of a strange way to start a post I know, but that is a message we heard at church the other week and it was reiterated last night at an AA meeting I go to. One of the guys there said he'd been told one time early on in recovery that every one of us is put on this earth broken. We are put here with our own faults because God knows this is the best way to get us to come back to him. I thought about that for a second and at first I didn't think it made any sense. But then it did start to clear up a little, if we were born into this world without any problems then we would just coast through life and easily loose sight of the fact that we need some help from God. Think about it, if you never had any troubles growing up and you just kind of coasted through school, then you graduated and got a great job you have no complaints about, married the perfect person, made more money than you knew what to do with, had exactly 2.5 perfect kids who never misbehaved in any way, and lived in a house that was flawless, would you turn to God that often? I don't know about you but if I had a "perfect" life I would probably tend to think that I have a handle on things myself.
I'm not saying that if I never had anything trying happen to me that I wouldn't be a believer, I'm just saying that I know for a fact that I turn to God more in my trying times than I ever do when things are going perfect! I turn to Him in all of my times of need and as a result I am quick to thank Him when I am blessed in any way. I think if I didn't have those troubling times to go through then when something good happened I would easily forget who made them possible. So when my AA buddy said last night that we are all made broken so that we are forced to turn to God in order to be repaired, it made perfect sense. Nothing in this life comes easily, even for those who seem to be the lucky ones. If you think about it even the richest people on the planet who have the family that could adorn the cover of a J Crew catalog has been made broken. Only them and God know what this brokenness is, but they are no different than the rest of us in the fact that they cannot repair themselves. Every one of us need His help to be repaired! This may sound crazy, but I am grateful for every single one of my flaws, and I have plenty of them! I am thankful for them because without them I would not have such a good relationship with God. And I for one think that the stronger my relationship with Him is the easier this life on earth will be. I can clearly look back over the tapestry that is my life and see where I leaned on Him for guidance and he responded by showing me which way to go. My life continues to get better, every day I am thankful for all of my blessings and I look forward to whatever challenges come my way!
Remember, instead of looking at the greener grass on the other side of the fence, water the grass your standing on and be patient as it comes back to life!
this post is sweet sounds to your Mother's ears. <3 I love you and the path you are walking.