Thursday, September 13, 2012

First time for everything!

     Yesterday brought with it my annual visit to the dentist for a check up, or as I like to refer to it, how many do I have this year!  You see I am what you would call a cavity head, I don't know if it's the fact that I floss about once every ten days or that all 32 of my teeth are sweet ones and I consume sugar on a rather regular basis!  Whichever the reason is I typically don't go into the dentist very optimistic that I won't have to return for some fillings.  Even though I married a woman in the dental field who has tirelessly pleaded for me to take better care of my teeth, I still seem to find a way to slack off on my oral care.  
     This past year however I have made some significant improvements, I now floss a lot more regularly, and I have drastically cut down my sugar intake.  I also had Kelli clean my teeth and take x-rays last week and she couldn't see any noticeable cavities, so I went into yesterdays appointment with a slightly better expectation than normal!  My dentist probed around, looked at the x-rays, probed some more, took another x-ray forma different angle to double check a spot, probed around some more, and told me I was good!  I was so shocked I didn't know what to say, other than are you sure?!  Maybe it happened when I was younger and just don't remember, but this was the first time in my memory that I was cavity free!  I was so thrilled I nearly skipped out of the office!  As I waited for my bill to be processed I thought about going back and having him check one more time, this was such a foreign concept to me I wasn't sure how to react!
     So I guess the moral to this little story is, listen to your wife when she's giving you advise because she more than likely has your best interests in mind!  It only took me seven years for Kelli's advice to sink in, I can be a little stubborn, but I sure am glad I listened!  I know one thing, if there ever was a good reason to take my flossing from a few times a week to every day, this is it!  
     We are off to Seattle early tomorrow morning, should be a great time, I know were both really looking forward to it!  No cavities and a live Cowboys game, next weeks going to have to work pretty hard to live up to this one!:)

Remember, theres a first time for everything!:)

1 comment:

  1. Man...I need to take lessons Kyle. I am also, like you my dear, a cavity head. I cannot remember ONE time going to the dentist and not having to go back for filling. :/ *Sigh*...I should probably make an appointment...
