Monday, January 6, 2014

Right here, right now!

     Well here we are having successfully survived yet another holiday season.  It's been a while since my last post simply because I had to take a couple days off last week to let my waist line lower back down to a movable status!  I swear each year about the second week of December I tell myself that I'm not going to eat so much over the holidays, then by about the 24th I convince myself that I'm not doing too bad when in reality I've already gone overboard, and finally sometime shortly after each Christmas I just completely give up and vow to try harder next year!  Sound familiar?  My biggest crutch is the majority of the teeth in my head are of the sweet variety, I could literally eat an entire days worth of meals consisting of nothing more than holiday pie!  Luckily for me though I am no different than every other American in the country and I get the glorious opportunity to start with a clean slate every 365 days!
     I don't know why we feel like January 1st is any different than any other day, yet somehow this day carries the mystical power to give us all the feeling of hope.  So naturally as the clock neared midnight on the 31st last week Kelli and I had made it up to see the new year for the first time in a few years so we took the chance to share our hopes and aspirations for the upcoming year with each other.  Every year most of us make resolutions that are next to impossible to achieve, you know what I'm talking about, the ones that don't usually make it to the very next 1 on the calender!  So this year Kelli and I did things a little different and made resolutions that in our heads were going to be a little easier to keep.  We both talked about improving in certain areas of our lives but our resolutions could easily be summed up in one sentence.  The only person you have to be better than is the person you were yesterday.  I know I've used this quote on here before but I truly feel like it is about the best one I've ever came across!  Too many of us, me included, get caught up in whats going to happen and we tend to not pay enough attention to what has already happened or what is happening.  I'm not saying it's not a good idea to set goals or make plans, what I'm saying is once those plans for the family vacation are made, or once you've laid out your goals for career development, put a little more focus into whats going on in the now.  Trust me I know it's going to be difficult, after last weeks collapse by my beloved Cowboys that ended our season early I have struggled every single day to not tell anyone who will listen about how things will be different next season!  So this year I encourage you all to spend a little more time simply trying to be better than you were one day ago.  This is something that a recovering addict like myself has to focus on in order to stay healthy, taking things one day at a time, but I feel like even those who aren't struggling with addiction could become better people from it.  Give it a shot and see how your life changes:)

Remember, just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day!

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