Sunday, April 8, 2012

Better luck next time

     Well with the snow falling out of the sky by the bucket load and the temperatures hovering around the freezing mark the fishing did not go well.  We floated a five mile section of the river and although we did not catch anything, as the fish were just not active at all, it was easily the most peaceful few hours of my week!  Being one of a very few number of boats on the water we felt as though we had the entire place to ourselves.  Bryant and I were talking about how time just seems to come to a stop when you are on the water and this proved to be true when we beached the raft to fish a creek entrance and Bryant noticed it was noon, we had been on the water for two hours and it felt like twenty minutes!  
     As we floated down the Bitteroot we found ourselves surrounded by God's creations.  The many different sounds of the frigid water rolling over the rocks serenaded us as the most beautiful group of mountain bluebirds followed us along.  Bryants raft is nearly the same color as the blue in their feathers so I couldn't help but wonder if they were thinking we were some sort of a mother ship!  Halfway through our day we spotted an eagle high up in a tree scouting the waters for his next meal, and across the river from him was a small herd of whitetail deer enjoying their dinner in a hay field.
     So while I sat in the boat with Bryants lab Kaycee an watched him try to entice a trout to take a nymph, I couldn't help but be thankful for the life that I have.  On this Easter weekend I hope that all of take the time to fully appreciate the little things in this world that are sometimes taken for granted.  I have driven by this section of the river dozens of times and never even thought about it.  Now when I drive by it I will hear the waters flowing and see the bluebirds, and with these thoughts from that Good Friday I will find myself smiling no doubt as in just the few short hours we spent on the river, I formed some lasting memories that will remain with me forever!  Take a moment for yourself and enjoy the world God has created for us, after all none of us know just how long we have to soak it all in.  

     Happy Easter!  May you all have a blessed day as we celebrate what He has given us!

Remember, some of life's simplest actions bring us the most joy!

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