Friday, August 31, 2012


     Last night Kelli and I were invited over for dinner at our friends the Smiths, Lindsey and Brandon recently bought a house and dinner was our first chance at checking it out now that they're all settled in.  They have a son, Jaxson, who is a little over a year old and he is just getting to that fun age where most of the things he does or says are hilarious!  The last time we had dinner with these guys Jaxson was much younger and he kept staring at me like he wasn't quite sure what to make of me, and when he would look at Kelli he would instantly start smiling and giggling.  The four of us all had a pretty good laugh over this, joking that Jaxson had a crush on Kelli and I better look out!
     Well last night my competition took it up a notch!  He continued to pretty much stare at me with a look that was mildly intimidating considering who it was coming from, every time I would take a drink of my lemonade he would point to it saying, "mine!".  Lindsey would show Jaxson that he had his own but it didn't matter, he wanted the one I had!  Then after dinner he did probably the cutest, most intimidating act of the evening, he'd finished eating and was walking around the table giving everybody nuckles, and when he made it over to Kelli she put her fist out for him to bump and he gently stepped in and kissed her hand!  It was the cutest thing in the world but I swear I saw him smirk at me while he was doing it:)  As the night went on he continued to keep telling me anything that I picked up was "mine!", I said, "man everything I have he thinks is his, including my wife!"  
     We all had a great time and we know the real reason he's so fixated on Kelli instead of me is I am much scarier than she is, at least thats what I told myself:)  The whole thing is quite funny and extremely cute, he's a little character.  Kelli had some fun with it as well when she told us all, "what can I say, blonde guys really like me".  No argument form this blonde guy on that statement!:)

Remember, a little friendly competition is good once in a while!

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