Monday, January 30, 2012

In a funk

     Well another weekend has passed and along with it another Sunday paper has been purchased in anticipation of my next employer advertising their open position in the classifieds.  Unfortunately, once again the pending excitement of going back to work was not achieved.  As Kelli and I sat in the kitchen, preparing for a relaxing winter day, both of us sensed an unspoken somberness amid the air.  Breaking the silence, she asked me, "what's wrong, you seem sad".  I simply replied with a severely downplayed "nothing", and she paused for a moment before continuing, "I know, we're kind of in a funk aren't we?"  At first I did not know how to respond.
     Kelli was right, it seems as though the longer I go without work, the more of a "funk" we fall into.  Both of us fully understand that the right job will come available in time, and that we have to trust that God has a plan in action for our family, but the longer we go without having received his blueprint the more we feel like our lives are in a state of limbo.  
     What we have to constantly remind ourselves of is that he does have a plan and that if we remain patient, it will all work out eventually.  The issue is we as humans have a natural tendency to be impatient.  This was proven to me later in the afternoon while sitting in a snowbank next to a friend, with my lower body hovering on the fringe of frostbite, waiting for a hungry coyote to come in to our distressed rabbit call.  Patience truly is a virtue!
     Admittedly, part of the funk we have found ourselves in is a result of winter finally setting in along with it bringing the lack of desire to get out and be active.  So in an effort to break out of the current funk we have fallen into, as soon as Kelli gets home from work, we are going to saddle up our dogs and go for a family hike.  Even though winter has not left the building, if we don't force ourselves to get out of the house and enjoy some time with each other and the animals we often refer to as our kids, we will only continue to fall deeper into this funk.  By getting out and being active, not only will we break out of our funk, we may even forget about the struggles of finding new employment for a moment, a welcome idea since finding a new job consumes far too much of my thoughts lately.  Don't get me wrong, I want to find a new job and I will continue to keep searching, but I think I will do so while having a little more trust that all things will work out in time.  
     So as I prepare myself to forcibly pull Kelli and I out of our rut we are stuck in, I still have questions about where I will work, or where we will live, but I have to rest those questions and focus on enjoying each day to it's fullest.  Eventually, all things will work out in the end, we just need to enjoy the ride, bumpy sections included!

Remember, having trust means having faith.

1 comment:

  1. great post, Kyle…'re exactly right in the last sentence-we just need to enjoy the ride, bumpy sections included! Love you both….hang in there my dear son.
