Wednesday, February 1, 2012


     If you haven't been following my Mothers blog than I will bring you up to speed briefly, she is cancer free as of now!!  A post op with her doctor next week will determine what the next step is but for now we are all very pleased with the results!  All of her kids and grandkids will be celebrating along side of her this weekend as we will be meeting up in the big city.  While over there we will attempt to prepare Mom and Dad's house for their next hurdle, which is Dad's knee surgery on Valentines day.  Somewhere amongst all of the house cleaning and wood splitting we will surely find something fun to do as well!  I know Kel has a little shopping in mind, and I think I might be clearing snow off Action's driving range as my itch to get back on the course is growing by the day!
     I told Kelli if our dreams are truly an indication of the future then she needs to prepare herself for a much wealthier lifestyle.  Last night I dreamt that her and I were flying back from a vacation in Las Vegas and we were dropped off at the airport by an old friend of mine from Great Falls who was now living in Vegas.  Before he left us I asked him if he'd like to caddy for me in a few weeks at the Shriner's, Justin Timberlake's annual tour event held each fall in Vegas.  This might just sound like a normal dream for a man like me, however the same friend has repeatedly told me if I want to give the mini tours a try he would caddy for me, so as I awoke there was such an added sense of realism I nearly went straight to the computer to book a flight!
     Naturally this dream is not much different than any others in the fact that it truly is a dream. However, in the event it does ever come true, you can bet Kelli and I will be vacationing somewhere a tad closer to the ocean than Vegas!  If for no other reason, the last pro golfer to vacation in sin city is still trying to rebuild his personal life, google Tiger Woods if your not certain what I'm talking about.
     One thing is for sure, although this is a dream, I will always have a tiny little portion of my brain which considers it a possibility.  I believe part of this is attributed to the fact that I am a golfer and by nature those who participate in this sport are continually optimistic on the improvement of their abilities.  The other piece keeping that tiny candle flickering in the back of my head is my genetic make up, having always been somewhat of a dreamer, I continue to aspire to be able to do what I love for a living.  I truly believe that if we have no dreams to attempt to live out, life as we know it would be extremely boring!  It doesn't matter what your dream is or how possible it is that it will ever actually happen, you have to continue to strive towards the dream.  And wether or not your dream is ever achieved does not matter, you can always take comfort knowing that you never stopped trying!
     So as we spend this weekend with all of the ones we love, I wonder what my night time thoughts will bring me.  One thing is for sure, I better clear off the range so the Action man can help me work on my swing if I want to be ready for JT's tourney!

Remember, cherish the moments you share with the ones you love the most!

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